Low Cost Therapy

I offer low cost time-limited therapy (usually 2 months) to those engaged in environmental activism or who have experienced a single-incident trauma. Rates are negotiable depending on income. Please contact me to discuss your situation.

Environmental activists

As part of my commitment to climate change and the ecological crisis, I offer low cost therapy to those whose engagement leads to personal financially reduced circumstances.  For proof of eligibility you can email me e.g. a link to an eco website with your name on it or a picture of you engaged in activism.          

Single-incident trauma

For those who have experienced a single-incident trauma e.g. traumatic bereavement due to a car crash, murder of a relative, or sexual assault.  This is specifically aimed at people who are open to using the latest techniques to clear trauma including energy psychotherapy. 

This is usually done in conjunction with an application to a charity for a bursary to pay for my fee.  I am privileged to work with The Yellow Heart Trust, however if there is another charity you can get a grant from, then I am open to discussion with you.   

Open ended low cost therapy

If you are looking for low cost therapy in London which is open ended and not energy psychotherapy, you may wish to consider:

The Blues Project

The Affordable Therapy Service at The Minster Centre

Wandsworth Association of Psychotherapists

Get in touch

to arrange a free 10 minute consultation